Thursday, May 29, 2008

You Drink Water from a Bag??

Our first night was great because it rained harder than I have ever seen it rain in America. It woke me up, but was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Our first full day in Kumasi was astounding. We got to sleep in and go to the pool for the afternoon. But my favorite part was walking to town to catch the taxi. We saw so many beautiful people! The children yell at us and wave. They call us "obruni" which is what they call white people. I feel like I am in a Where's Waldo book. haha. Whenever they see one of us they point and yell "obruni". I'm not used to having everyone watch me. I think I kinda get how celebrities feel. We even had people taking pictures of us on their camera phone (I was probably taking a picture of them, so I didn't mind. haha) I love how friendly the people are here. They always want us to take them to America with us!! I love the colors I see everywhere. All the shops and buildings a long the road are covered with so much color, especially red, green, and gold (The colors in the Ghanaian flag). After the pool we went into town and got our money changed from US dollars to Ghanaian Credis(it is a 1 to 1 ratio, so its easy to exchange! Thank God because we all know how bad I am at math!) We also got cell phones for emergencies! If we drink the water here it would make us sick, so we buy water all over in bags. It is the coolest thing ever!! You just bite off the corner and drink!! We have all been singing dracula because one of the taxi drivers had it BLARING in his car...haha...not my favorite song to have repeating in my head! We are going to go see Ghana play Lybia on Sunday!! GO Ghana!!!

Times up....ill write again soon!! Keep those prayers going!! Next ill be writing about the Children's get excited!!

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