Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Trust you me..." - Ben

Our host brother Ben says some of the funniest things I have ever heard and the title of this post is one of the many! The past 2 days have been a little less intense than the ones previous and it has been so relaxing. We have been running errands to prepare for our trip to Lawra, north of Wa for you geography buffs. Ben was talking to his Tro-Tro driver and he is unable to drive us to Lawra because he has a funeral, so we had to go buy bus tickets for the 10 hr drive to Lawra. [At least the bus has AC...i think] We have been stocking up on water and food so that when we get to Lawra we don't exhaust all of their supplies. We want to actually help this area not take away from it.
Errands take so much time around here. There isn't a phone book to call and ask if someone has something. So, you just show up and hope you don't have to go somewhere else...which could take you over an hour due to the taxi driver not really knowing where you are wanting to go!! [We know from multiple experiences of ending up in random towns an hour away from where we need to be]. Sorry this post is pretty sporadic, but I'm trying to remember anything that I haven't updated yall on.

Well I have to run...I love yall and I will try to write soon!!!
Exodus 14:14


H Mum said...

When we went to Oaxaca, Mexico, they had speed bumps called topes. So now tope is our metaphor for life's reminders to slow down. I have the feeling that "Trust you me" and AWA will be part of everyone's vocabulary from now on! All I can say on reading your post that if your idea of relaxing is running around town trying to buy critical necessities for life that weigh a ton that you will have to carry on a 10 hour (in some ideal world, and this is Africa, lol) trip along with the hundreds of other lbs you already have, and not exactly knowing where you are going or what you will find when you get there, and everything taking an average of 5 times longer than you think it might, where was I? oh yeah, if this is RELAXING to you, I am going to rest up right now so I have the stamina to read about your next non-relaxing day, lol!! I do hope your trip to Wa/Lawra goes/went well and I'm sending you all my best wishes and hugs for the road in case you need em.
Love, mum

Maggie said...

Barnes! It sounds like you are doing amazing work and having great (and maybe not so great)experiences in Ghana. I miss you SO much! Continue doing great things and know that we miss you and love you here at home.

BIG hugs,
